The Underwhelming Controversey Of Harris At The Democratic National Convention

In the wake of releasing a manifesto highlighting the talking points of Democrats in restricting fundamental liberties, presidential candidate Kamala Harris refrained from expanding on any of the key talking points in a surprise appearance at the DNC on Monday night.

Instead, the historically unpopular career politician rallied the crowd with the usual platitudes and tiresome rhetoric of liberal lawmakers, according to Fox News. The cryptic and vague speech by the candidate’s address to liberals and extremists was basically a call to action to the leftist base to “vote early and often”.

Harris and staff distributed the aforementioned troubling written preamble before the convention opened, the document sent to supporters and mainstream media outlets which included a plan to disarm Americans through directives from a federal level, including bans on “assault weapons”, imposing heavy taxes on ammunitions, creating an illegal national firearms registry and effectively weaponizing the alphabet agencies, all caustic policies that the Biden Administration has threatened to implement. This opened a window for Biden to appear at the convention and hijack yet another primetime event in spewing radical lexicon on the subject of gun control.

While Harris’s appearance in Chicago was brief and bereft of the usual toxicity of overzealous Democrats, the President took the stage at the DNC and reiterated the unrelenting campaign to compromise the Second Amendment through the Executive branch.  As usual, Biden deployed mistruths to push a gun control agenda, reported Breitbart News, through outright lies extrapolated from a CDC study in claiming that gunshots are the number one cause of death of children in the nation. “More children in America are killed by a gunshot than by than any other cause in the United States. … More die from a bullet than cancer, accidents, or anything else,” Biden remarked to the audience and cameras.

This is not the first time that the President has used the flawed study to spread myths, as the data has been heavily criticized by fact-checkers in including the fatalities by firearms of 18-year-olds and 19-year-olds to confuse the public and convolute the truth.  Noticeably absent from his diatribe at the DNC was the recognition of the existence of gang violence and criminals under the age of 20 possessing weapons illegally.

As the battle wages on for law-abiding citizens and Second Amendment advocates, the running mate of Harris, Timothy Walz, is expected to reinforce the anti-gun Democrat goal to hamper the rights of Americans to freely purchase firearms and ammunition for the purpose of hunting and practicing reasonable self-defense. His track record in Minnesota as a staunch firearm-prohibitionist does not favor optimism.

Curiously, the once monumentally low polling numbers of Harris have been bolstered in recent weeks, despite her continued listless demeanor and underwhelming performance as a public servant.  Coupled with the gun control initiatives passed during his tenure in Minnesota by Walz, the gun rights community faces a difficult and arduous uphill battle should Trump be defeated in November.

The post The Underwhelming Controversey Of Harris At The Democratic National Convention appeared first on Liberty Park Press.

Conn Williamson

Conn Williamson

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