SAF’s Victory in NY Largely Ignored by Establishment Media

Why did establishment media virtually ignore 2A victory in New York?

Last week’s victory in a federal court in New York which struck down a state law virtually banning licensed concealed carry in all private property as unconstitutional was ignored by the establishment media, perhaps because it did not support “the narrative.”

As TGM reported, U.S. District Judge John L. Sinatra, Jr. issued a 43-page decision in which he observed, “The Nation’s historical traditions have not countenanced such a curtailment of the right to keep and bear arms. Indeed, the right to self-defense is equally important—and equally recognized—on then vast swaths of private property open to the public across New York State.”


The ruling was a blow to New York’s effort to skirt around the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which rocked the gun control movement.

As Judge Sinatra wrote, “The State maintains there is ‘extensive historical support spanning the colonial era to Reconstruction and beyond that forbade carrying guns onto others’ property without their permission. But the State fails, on this historical record, to demonstrate that the challenged restriction is ‘consist[ant] with a well-established and representative National tradition.”

Fox News, which many says is a right-of-center news agency, did report the victory, along with the “gun press.”

But the only “establishment” news agency which apparently gave the victory any coverage was WRGM in Albany, which is New York’s state capital.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb said Monday he did not find any reporting in major establishment news organs covering the ruling, which struck down a gun control restriction. TGM did a perusal of published news reports in recent days and could not find a single report. Most of the major reporting covered Gov. Kathy Hochul’s signing of several new gun restrictions, but not Judge Sinatra’s decision, which will undoubtedly be appealed.

Fox News noted how Judge Sinatra also denied a motion from New York to stay his ruling for two weeks while the office of Attorney General Letitia James filed an appeal. Sinatra said the state is unlikely to prevail.

“Once again, Empire State anti-gunners have been held in check by a judge who understands the Second Amendment is not a second-class right,” Gottlieb said in a prepared statement. “The State tried to perpetuate its virtual ban on legal carry by prohibiting firearms on all private property open to the public for whatever reason, and the judge correctly said this restriction does not pass constitutional muster.”

“As we’ve said all along, the ‘sensitive place’ carry restrictions imposed by New York post-Bruen are unconstitutional. Hard stop,” said SAF Director of Legal Operations Bill Sack. “We are thrilled that once again, the courts have agreed, and sent this amoral and unlawful ban packing.”

The post SAF’s Victory in NY Largely Ignored by Establishment Media appeared first on Liberty Park Press.

Dave Workman

Dave Workman

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