Anti-gun Democrats in Trenton have wasted no time getting back to politics, again ignoring real issues faced by the citizens of New Jersey.
The Assembly Judiciary Committee has posted several gun control bills for a hearing on Thursday, February 20. Using the Take Action button below, please contact your Senator and Assembly members and respectfully request a NO vote on these bills and any new gun control.
This is an important election year in New Jersey. The last couple of elections in New Jersey caught the country by surprise, with results much closer than anticipated. Ignoring the tea leaves of recent elections, anti-gunners are doubling down on the same exhausted issues. New Jersey residents are not just angry, they are furious over soaring property taxes, the cost of living and a whole host of issues that hit closer to home than concerns over 3D-printed firearms. Yet again, we are being led to believe that New Jersey’s gun laws still aren’t tough enough despite the annual fixation on them.
Thursday’s hearing will feature obscure, hyper-technical, and redundant proposals that will do nothing to enhance public safety and include:
A.4974 prescribing penalties for the sale and possession of “machine gun conversion devices.” Such devices are already banned at both the state and federal level. There has never been an explanation why this bill is necessary. Given that New Jersey’s definition would differ from the federal definition, this only makes the water murkier.
A.4975 creates a crime for the possession of digital instructions to manufacture firearms or components. This legislation creates a crime even if someone never produces a gun or component. Simply having a digital file on your computer could subject you to criminal penalties.
A.4976 establishes the crime of reckless discharge. Discharging a firearm in New Jersey is already a crime unless done “for a lawful purpose,” which is an affirmative defense. Given the lack of exceptions in both existing New Jersey law and this legislation, successfully raising such a defense would be exceedingly difficult. This is nothing more than a swipe at concealed carry. Now, every time a firearm is used, even in legitimate situations, rogue prosecutors will have even more ability to bring charges.
A.1389 requires confiscation of ammunition and certain firearms components in response to domestic violence restraining orders or convictions. Of course, New Jersey already has very harsh gun confiscation laws as they pertain to restraining orders. This bill is absurd as it would include components like spare grips. Keep in mind this bill applies to accusations, not just convictions. Even in cases of false accusations, surrender is ordered. We have always been clear that convicted abusers should be punished, but there must be due process.
Your help is urgently needed. The message should be simple. New Jersey has more than enough gun control laws. Stop playing politics and focus on real issues which impact hardworking New Jersey citizens.
About NRA-ILA:
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org