Florida: DeSantis Proposes ‘Second Amendment Summer’ Tax Holiday

Florida: DeSantis Proposes ‘Second Amendment Summer’ Tax Holiday

We’ve chronicled over the past several months how anti-gun politicians in several less gun-friendly states have passed, or are trying to pass, legislation levying additional taxes on the purchase of guns, ammunition and gun-related gear. In fact, during last year’s elections, Colorado voters approved a referendum that will impose an additional 6.5% excise tax on dealer sales of firearms, ammunition and accessories.

California also has such a law, an 11% excise tax, which is basically a sin tax, although owning guns is constitutionally protected, not a “sin.” Still, anti-gunners seem to love raising money from lawful gun owners at any opportunity.

Continue reading Florida: DeSantis Proposes ‘Second Amendment Summer’ Tax Holiday at The Truth About Guns.



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