First ‘Report Card’ on Trump: Rasmussen Polls Show Good Marks

The first “report card” on Donald Trump shows the president getting much higher marks than his predecessor. (Donald Trump IMG WhiteHouse-gov)

In office less than a month, President Donald Trump has been shaking things up, and rattling some political cages in the process, and now Rasmussen Reports is offering what might be his first “report card” and it shows much higher marks than his predecessor was getting.

And this was before the president issued his sweeping executive order on protecting the Second Amendment by essentially turning the Justice Department loose on Joe Biden’s four-year gun control agenda.

Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Trump with 53 percent of likely voters approving of his job performance so far, with 45 percent disapproving. This includes 38 percent who “strongly approve” and 37 percent who “strongly disapprove.” The results reflect a continued split pretty much down the political and philosophical line. But Trump gets a presidential approval rating of +1, says the polling firm.

On the day Joe Biden left office, Jan. 20, Rasmussen’s presidential tracking poll showed the former president had 55 percent of likely voters disapproving of his job performance, and 43 percent approving. But the breakdown was stark, with only 21 percent “strongly approving” his on-the-job performance and more than twice that number—43 percent—“strongly disapproving” of his performance. Biden left office with a -22 percent presidential approval index rating.

But, there is more.

A new Pew survey says Trump’s job performance gets 47 percent approval, but 51 percent disapproval. However, Pew is quick to note Trump’s performance rating is higher now than when he began his first term in office eight years ago.

“His rating is also higher than at any other point in his first four-year term, and far higher than when he left office in early 2021,” Pew said.

Predictably, the division over Trump is almost purely political, according to Pew, which said, “84% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents currently approve of the job Trump is doing. By comparison, just 10% of Democrats and Democratic leaners approve of Trump’s job performance.”

Back to Rasmussen, 45 percent of likely U.S. voters believe the country is heading in the right direction with Trump at the helm. The survey was conducted Feb. 2-6 by Rasmussen Reports from among 2,078 respondents, with a margin of sampling error at +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

While this poll shows 48 percent think the nation is headed down the wrong track, when the same question was asked one year ago, the results were staggeringly different. At that time, with Joe Biden heading into his fourth year, only 29 percent of likely voters believed the nation was going in the right direction and a whopping 66 percent said it was on the wrong track.

A third Rasmussen survey could be considered a signal to Democrats that they need to get their act together because right now, their conduct is not making it with the public.

According to this survey, 55% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it is better for the Democratic Party if Democrats try to work with Trump, while 36% say it’s better for Democrats to oppose Trump in every way possible.

But here’s the kicker: According to Rasmussen, “Only 15% of voters think Democrats have gotten better since last year’s election, while 42% believe Democrats have gotten worse since losing last November. Thirty-eight percent (38%) say Democrats are about the same now as they were before the election.”

Hilariously, leading Democrats cannot seem to score points with moves that historically have gotten them some favorable media.

When perennial anti-gun U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced on Monday the creation of a “tip line” to “expose corruption, abuses of power, and threats to public safety,” one of the first responses came from fellow Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): “Great. I wanna report: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris (and) Chuck Schumer. And the entire corrupt Democrat party that weaponized & abused the federal government for the past four years.”

Schumer literally became a laughing stock with this bizarre attempt to show how his party also wants to fight corruption, despite the fact that it is widely perceived the problems now plaguing government are the fault of Democrats.

It should be noted that Democrats are howling about Trump’s “Department of Government Efficiency” and what it is revealing about how taxpayer money is spent. Gun owners are taxpayers, and thanks to Lee Williams, writing at Ammoland and elsewhere, they’ve learned about the way tax dollars are apparently being funneled to the gun control movement.

Larry Keane, senior vice president and general counsel at the National Shooting Sports Foundation, weighed in on the subject, observing, “The maze of money shuffling is being mapped out by That site offers tools to track how tax dollars moved to gun control groups.”

A few lines later, Keane writes, “This unmasking of citizens’ tax dollars being put to work against their Constitutional rights is raising the ire of those who – surprise, surprise – want to use more tax dollars to swipe away Second Amendment rights.”

Even if Trump’s presidency is ultimately judged to be mediocre, what his snoopers are revealing explains why so many on the Left are furious he is back in office. Still, with his executive order to protect Second Amendment rights, and the revelations about how tax dollars are apparently making their way into the coffers of gun prohibition organizations, American gun owners may owe the president a debt of gratitude.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman

Dave Workman

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