Dem Delegate to Chicago Gets Hard Lesson on Gun Control Failure

A delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was robbed at gunpoint Wednesday, providingm a lesson in the failure of gun control. (Dave Workman)

A 25-year-old Texan visiting Chicago as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention got a lesson in the about the failure of gun control Wednesday when he was robbed at gunpoint.

According to the Daily Mail, the unidentified young man was walking outside at about 2 a.m. when a black Range Rover pulled up, a couple of armed thugs jumped out and robbed him of his wallet and room keys. Then, the report continued, the pair walked across the street and robbed two more people.

CWB Chicago is reporting the Chicago Police issued a warning about this holdup team Thursday morning. Apparently, this crew is responsible for another robbery, and may have been involved in a third caper early Tuesday.

The holdup involving the Democrat delegate gave the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms an opportunity to take a poke at Illinois gun control laws and the Democrats in control in Chicago.

“This is an object lesson for the Democrats,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Their efforts to disarm law-abiding citizens while promoting a soft-on-crime agenda have been a massive failure, and this incident proves it. They want to make it difficult for honest citizens to own and carry guns, while they have been unwilling and unable to keep guns out of criminal hands, especially in crime centers such as Chicago, which—no surprise here—has been run by Democrats for decades.”

The Windy City has been under Democrat control for decades, and with the DNC in town, Gottlieb pointed the finger of blame for such brazen criminal acts at Democrat policies.

“Democrat policies have allowed repeat offenders to escape jail time and continue robbing people,” Gottlieb observed. “We’re glad nobody was hurt, but this should send a signal to Democrats about their misguided gun control  and soft-on-crime efforts. The experiment has failed and it is time to try something different. But, since we’re talking about the party of gun prohibition, Democrats appear to be stuck on stupid, which is why bad guys roam the streets and good guys literally pay the price.”

Making matters worse, it was reported that the U.S. Secret Service had advised delegates leaving the United Center to take off their convention badges “because of multiple robbery attempts since the convention began Monday,” CCRKBA said in a statement released to the press.

“Maybe if Illinois Democrats had adopted legislation recognizing all non-resident carry permits,” Gottlieb said, “allowing visitors to Chicago and other Illinois cities to carry guns, this sort of brazen crime wouldn’t be happening.”

Reports said police had described the suspects as two Black males dressed in black and wearing ski masks.


The post Dem Delegate to Chicago Gets Hard Lesson on Gun Control Failure appeared first on Liberty Park Press.

Dave Workman

Dave Workman

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