Media Bias Alert: The Daily Mail Gets LGBTQ Gun Ownership Incredibly Wrong


DAILYMAIL.COM LGBTQ people reveal outrageous reason they’re buying guns screengrab 2-20-202

A recent Daily Mail article, “LGBTQ people reveal outrageous reason they’re buying guns,” makes it sound like LGBTQ folks picking up firearms is some shocking new thing.

Spoiler alert: It’s NOT. The gun community has always been diverse, and shooting sports have never cared about your gender or who you date. But instead of acknowledging that, this inflamtory article twists LGBTQ gun ownership into some big political drama.

Ironically, it’s actually creating the division it claims to be exposing.

Clickbait & Fearmongering

Let’s start with the headline. “Outrageous reason”—seriously? What’s outrageous about self-defense? The right to bear arms applies to everyone, and LGBTQ people are no exception. The article acts like they/them are only now discovering the Second Amendment because of conservative policies, but groups like the Pink Pistols have been around for decades. This isn’t some sudden political reaction; it’s just people realizing their right to protect themselves.

Separating Gun Owners for No Reason

One of the worst parts of this article is how it treats LGBTQ gun owners like they’re some brand-new, separate category. They’re not. Gun ownership has always been about personal protection, self-reliance, and sport—not political identity. The Second Amendment is for everyone. But by carving LGBTQ gun owners out as a special case, the media fuels division instead of just recognizing them as part of the broader firearms community.

It’s unnecessary, divisive, hurtfull and counterproductive.

Double Standards on Guns

Here’s where the media’s bias really shows: If a conservative buys a gun because they’re worried about crime or government overreach, the media calls them paranoid. But when LGBTQ individuals do the same thing, suddenly, it’s then totally understandable?

That’s a complete double standard. Self-defense is self-defense—why does it matter who’s holding the gun?

Ignoring the Bigger Picture

The article barely mentions the real reasons why anyone—LGBTQ or not—might want to buy a gun. Crime rates are up, police response times are getting worse, and many people just don’t feel safe anymore. Instead, the article focuses entirely on politics, ignoring the fact that the surge in gun ownership spans all demographics.

Gun Control Nonsense Slipped In

Even though the article is supposedly about more people arming up for self-defense, it still sneaks in anti-gun arguments. It throws out the usual claims about guns leading to more suicides and homicides—while completely ignoring the fact that armed citizens also prevent crimes, including hate crimes, every day. If the piece truly respected LGBTQ gun owners’ decisions, it wouldn’t undermine their choice with scare tactics.

Bottom Line: Stop Making This a Political Identity Issue

This Daily Mail article is a perfect example of how the failed and deceitful media warps reality. Gun ownership isn’t about being liberal or conservative, straight or gay—it’s about a fundamental right. By trying to frame LGBTQ gun owners as some new phenomenon, the article does more harm than good. Instead of dividing people, they should recognize that the right to bear arms belongs to everyone.

The gun community has always been open to those who value self-defense—no labels required.

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Thomas Conroy is a firearms aficionado and writer who lives in the Midwest.

Thomas Conroy

Thomas Conroy

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