Another Democrat Gun Grabber Calls for Political Violence, This Time with ‘Actual Weapons’

After urging followers to engage in insurrection using “actual weapons,” how much more “distinction” does he need? (Robert Garcia/Facebook)

“A Democrat in Congress is urging Americans to ‘bring actual weapons’ against Elon Musk as the head of DOGE continues to expose massive amounts of spending waste in the federal government,” World Net Daily reported Wednesday. “U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif., told CNN on Wednesday that Musk is ‘harming the American public in an enormous way, and what I think is really important and what the American public want, is for us to bring actual weapons to this bar fight. This is an actual fight for democracy, for the future of this country.’”

So… basically, engage in armed insurrection to prevent government waste, abuse, corruption, and fraud from being identified…? Unlike the J6 “seditious conspirators” Democrats have breathlessly painted as Nazis and domestic terrorists…?

Just what we need from an immigrant whose family came here from Peru ostensibly to enjoy the superior recognition of freedom this copuntry offered…

This is hardly an isolated incident.

Earlier this month,  AmmoLand related the words of a Democrat official in Pennsylvania, calling for Trump supporters, presumably all 77 million of them, to be “extraconstitutionally… hanged by the neck until dead,” noting the climate of hate being fostered by national party leaders. And Thursday, this column reported on still Kweisi after all these years Democrat Rep. Mfume of Maryland exhorting his followers to start a “street fight  over Musk’s efforts to identify government waste, abuse, corruption, and fraud.

Since doing that ought to be a goal of all loyal Americans, especially those in the legislature entrusted and privileged to represent the people paying for it all, some questions naturally come to enquiring minds:


Why are they so desperately angry, ready to drop all pretenses of “friends across the aisle” civility and call for street violence?

Against people they’re trying to disarm…?

Garcia is no exception.

Aside from never seeing a gun he didn’t want to grab,  he is especially invested in imposing prior restraint restrictions on ammunition.  And all the major gun-grab groups agree.

“With so much on the line this November, it’s important that we protect our majority in the House by electing gun safety champions from coast to coast—champions like Mayor Robert Garcia,” Giffords gushed in its endorsement of him. “We know he has the courage to act to end gun violence, and the people of Southern California deserve a legislator who will always put their well-being first.”

“The gun sense majorities in Congress and statehouses across the country have delivered life-saving progress on gun safety – and now is the time to keep going by re-electing our champions and growing these majorities,” Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, said in a joint statement with Everytown endorsing Garcia and like-minded candidates for office. “These gun sense champions can count on a grassroots army of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers to put everything on the line to get them elected in November.”

“As an openly gay and Latino man, he knows that easy access to firearms makes hate lethal,” the Brady Campaign declared. “As a member of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, he has cosponsored bipartisan legislation to expand Brady Background Checks (H.R. 715), legislation to ban assault weapons (H.R. 698) and Ethan’s Law (H.R. 660) to mandate safe firearm storage nationwide, among others.”

One might also ask if its intentional that none of the “commonsense gun safety” groups, ever active on social media platforms like Elon Musk’s, has seen fit to disassociate themself from and condemn Garcia’s (or Mfune’s, or any other rabble-rousing Democrat’s) call for weaponized political violence.

And that makes another question fair: What is it they really want (if they ever get what they’re going after)?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

David Codrea

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